Friday, April 25, 2008

Meeting the doctor

I happened to know a doctor who himself has got a cancer tumor in his stomach.

but, he is well better than he was before he got the cancer!

this is so surprise! and I started to talk to him !

Bringing hope for cancer patients

it's a shock for me when I heard that 2 of my friend's parent passed away in 2 days time. and I heard about friends of my friends who are still young , just like my age, found tumors after checking up in hospital.

What I really doubt is, 
how a doctor inform these news to them? 
is cancer = death?
What will be the reaction when one heard the news of cancer decease?
How are they going to overcome the pressure after hearing this news? (mentally & physically)

I went to a seminar on 12 April, and it's organised my Tombo Enterprise Sdn Bhd